What is Custom Software?

Custom software is anything you can imagine doing with a computer. This can be automating the input of data into a spreadsheet or even a complex inventory and tracking system. Nothing is too big or small and ordinary businesses have the most interesting problems.
Let us solve them for you!

Guidelines and Expectations

  • Always Offline Software reserves the right to limit scope of a project or to refuse requests.
  • Project estimated timelines may be longer than expected. Price, scope and other accommodations are acceptable to make a deal.
  • A project may be cancelled at any time by Always Offline Software for any reason, at no cost to the customer including a refund of deposit.
  • A deposit of $50 is required for work to start, this will be deducted from the total cost of work at the end. This deposit is non-refundable unless the project is cancelled by Always Offline Software.
  • Most Projects with reasonable size and timeline will cost $200. Large projects cost will be determined by size, complexity and urgency. 
  • Customer's also have the right to cancel at no cost beyond the initial deposit before the halfway milestone is reached. After the milestone is reached a customer cancellation will incur a fee of 50% of the project cost plus the deposit.
  • Always Offline Software reserves the right to use any/all components from a project in other works and for the purpose of resale (respecting privacy and removal of any branding). Unless a prior agreement in the contract restricts this.
  • All test builds will be trial software with limitations, release builds (completed projects) will not have these limitations.
  • Payment for the project is not due until time of completion, completion is defined per contract. If additional features are requested a new work contract is required.
  • Bug and software support is free 1 month after completion of the project. Anything beyond this time frame will incur a $10 fee.
  • Always Offline Software's custom software may not be reverse engineered, repackaged or modified for the purpose of distribution or sale to parties outside this agreement unless otherwise specified in the project contract agreement.
  • Always Offline Software is not responsible for any consequences of the software’s, trial or otherwise, misuse or abuse. The customer accepts full responsibility for any of these possible consequences.
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